A Cop Took Forever To Exit His Car, When They Saw Why They Started Tearing Up…

I know the feeling of being pulled over by a cop, and it is a scary thing.

At the very least one elderly Louisiana couple was nervous when they were asked to pull over as a result of alleged speeding. They grew even more perturbed when they noticed that the officer who had flagged them was acting strange.

The couple noticed the officer’s odd behavior right after he pulled them over, taking a very long time to exit his patrol car. They ended up getting far more than just a ticket after the deputy suddenly reached into their vehicle.

Maxine Morgan and her husband Jimmy were headed to Shreveport, Louisiana to attend a memorial service for their daughter Daphne, who had passed away just several days prior.

As per KSLA, Maxine was driving a little too fast on their way there – forgivable considering the circumstances.

“I was paying attention to my driving,” Maxine explained. “But my mind wasn’t there.”

As it happened, Bossier Parrish Sheriff’s Deputy Jackie Loveless was waiting nearby, on the lookout for speeding cars.

“I was parked at Taylor’s Grocery looking for speeders heading west,” he said. “When they came by, they were speeding.”

Other police officers may not have been moved by her story, but Deputy Loveless reacted in a manner that left the couple quite confounded. Instead of issuing a speeding ticket, he reached his hand inside the car and asked Maxine if he could pray with her.

“I asked her, ‘Ma’am, do you mind if I pray with you?’” said Loveless.

Overcome with grief, Maxine and Jimmy accepted the officer’s proposal and said a solemn prayer with him.

“I think he was our miracle that day,” said Maxine. “We needed something that day and he gave it to us.”

Deputy Loveless, meanwhile, has his own account of the incident. “In the middle of the prayer, she grabbed my hand and held my hand real tight. And tears started coming from her, tears of greatness and tears of appreciation.”

Deputy Jackie Loveless, we salute you, sir! What an excellent show of compassion and understanding at a time when Maxine and Jimmy needed it most.

Watch the heartwarming story below:

Sources: OpposingViews, KSLA