A “Human Rights” Org Just Got Caught In A Big Steve Bannon Lie!

This so-called social justice organization, The Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR),  just got busted for spreading malicious information about former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Twitter, according to The GOP Times report Thursday.

But instead of admitting their mistake for spreading fake news, they’re acting outraged at everyone for calling them out. A classic left-wing liberals defense mechanism.

Their fake news accusation started when IREHR published several tweets On December 7, the organization claims that Steve Bannon’s official War Room Telegram account endorses the “white nationalist and fascist” Patriot Front group.

And to look legit with their so-called claims, they cite a certain telegram account, which for the record the Telegram account is not associated with Steve Bannon: https://t.me/steve_bannon

It’s a copycat Telegram account, I mean anyone can create a duplicate account in Telegram as simple as that, OR their researchers might not be competitive enough with their job to use a fake Telegram account as a reference for a very serious accusation.

If the IREHR had bothered to do even thirty seconds of research by going to Bannon’s website, they would have known this.

According to The GOP Times, The Post Millennial compiled a bullet point list of the false claims made by the IREHR’s Twitter account:

  • (2:53 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page boosts white nationalist and fascist Patriot Front, links to “Hyphen-Report” website which calls the group’s recent Washington D.C. march “glorious” and describes its own platform as “an assault on jewish (sic) sensibilities.”” (link)
  • (3:05 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page has embraced the white nationalist and fascist Patriot Front as a “patriot group worth supporting.”” (link)
  • (3:16 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “As it turns out, a deeper dive finds that Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page has been boosting the white nationalist and fascist Patriot Front for some time. This one from February.” (link)
  • (3:20 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page has posted material directly from the white nationalist and fascist Patriot Front. This one from October.” (link)
  • (3:42 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page also boosts the National Justice Party, a white nationalist group whose official platform supports, “a two percent ceiling on Jewish employment in vital institutions.”” (link)
  • (4:09 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “And, Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram page has circulated posts from “Erik Striker,” who, when he’s not spewing antisemitic conspiracy theories or denying the Holocaust, is posting pictures of famous Nazis he seems to like.” (link)
  • (4:12 PM · Dec 7, 2021) “And more Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Telegram posts from “Erik Striker” alongside Striker spewing antisemitism and posting pictures of Nazis he seems to like.” (link 1) (link 2)

Some of the tweets are still up on the human rights organization’s Twitter page:

Former Navy Intel Officer and current Senior Editor of Human Events Jack Posobiec was one of the first people to call IREHR out on Twitter for their false claims.

“This account is spreading fake news to try and tie Bannon to the Patriot Front They are reading a fake War Room Telegram channel in effort to say Bannon endorses the group They failed to check to War Room website to make sure they had the right account,” Posobiec tweeted.

In a Tweet posted by the executive director of the IREHR, Devin Burghart, he tried to walk back the organization’s claims:

Burghart tweeted:

“To be clear, [Jack Posobiec] is lying. @IREHR said no such thing. He is deflecting from the fact that a far-right channel with 64,391 members that relentlessly promotes Bannon’s podcast is also distributing white nationalist propaganda”

Posobiec didn’t let him get away with it, replying: “Caught him in 4K so he doubles down in 4K. This is who they are, liars all the way down.”

Sources: TheGOPTimes, IREHR

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