A Top Republican Has An amazing Way To IMPEACH JOE BIDEN!

Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy has found two excellent ways to impeach Joe.

Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden and the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing their “reckless immigration policy” that many lawmakers argue is endangering the lives of Texans and Americans.

“Over the past several months, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process,” Roy told Fox News Tuesday.

If Republicans take the House and Senate in 2022, they should make Chip Roy the point man on making this a reality.

Here’s an excerpt from the Townhall report:

GOP Rep Says Biden Comment on Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium Is ‘Impeachable’

President Joe Biden is under fire for comments about the constitutionality of the eviction moratorium, after he bucked the Supreme Court’s deadline of July 31. Biden caved to progressives who asked him to extend the moratorium after Congress failed to legislate an extension.

“I can’t guarantee you the court won’t rule that we don’t have that authority but at least we’ll have the ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month at least. I hope longer,” Biden said in response to a question about the moratorium’s constitutionality:

The president’s comments received immediate blowback, and one Republican congressman argued that Biden’s take could be impeachable. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said that Congress should “demand answers” and potentially weigh impeachment.

Conservative commentator Mollie Hemingway tweeted this:

Rep. Chip Roy added this:

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene had a similar response Monday, noting that the surge was continuing amid Democrats’ domestic calls for renewed coronavirus restrictions.

“Biden and Harris have created a national security crisis & they are making you pay for it while telling Americans they have to mask up, vaccinate, and prepare to lockdown again,” she tweeted.

Biden’s main and priority job is to protect and defend the Constitution and he has sworn this when he was elected as president, he made a promise to protect and defend the United States as well.

He has violated both the crisis at the border and the unlawful extension of the eviction moratorium. He deserves to be impeached, and Republicans should make it happen.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Yahoo News, Star Local Media, Townhall, Fox News

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