An Islamic extremist group reportedly stormed the U.S. Embassy in Yemen on Wednesday, taking hostages and seizing equipment.
On Wednesday, a group of Houthi rebels, an Iran-backed terrorists reportedly stormed the U.S. compound seeking “large quantities of equipment and materials,” according to regional reports translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
According to Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the raid comes just five days after the Houthis kidnapped Yemeni nationals who work for the U.S. embassy.
“The alleged raid comes after the Houthis kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy from one of the employee’s private residences in Sana’a on November 5.”
At least 22 other Yemenis were kidnapped by the Houthis in recent weeks, “most of whom worked on the security staff guarding the embassy grounds,” The outlet added.
A State Department spokesperson said that the “majority” of hostages have been released, but that some embassy staff “continue to be detained without explanation.”
The spokesman said in a statement:
“We call on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property. The U.S. government will continue its diplomatic efforts to secure the release of our staff and the vacating of our compound, including through our international partners.”
The department is also “concerned about the breach of the compound” and is calling “on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property.”
According to the State Department, the Biden administration “will continue its diplomatic efforts to secure the release of our staff and the vacating of our compound, including through our international partners.”
Sources: TheGopTimes, Washington Free Beacon