An Old Lady Refused To Get Her Tires Changed, Then A State Trooper Walked Up To Her….

In the midst of all the chaos in the last few months in our country, we’ve seen glimpses of the true human spirit shine brighter, giving us a break from the toxic news cycle. In this case, we have the story of a Texas trooper and a 92-year-old lady who have come together in a genuine act of kindness.

A kind Texas State Trooper overheard an elderly woman talking to the employee, admitting she couldn’t buy the four tires she needed. So he secretly decided to do something about it.

An elderly woman, 92-year-old Mary Summers of Texas, ended up with a flat tire after she picked up a nail while driving her car so she was forced to visit the repair show. Once she entered Integrity Tires in Richmond, Texas, she received some bad news. The punctured tire couldn’t be repaired.

Sadly, the rest of the tires needed to be replaced as well because they were in irreparable condition and imposed the risk of sliding off the road while driving.

This meant that Mary was supposed to pay around $600, money she didn’t even have.

“The tire on her vehicle wasn’t repairable, and the other tires were shot,” Omar Oregueda, the mechanic who assisted Mary, explained. “They were already completely destroyed.”

Photo Credit: KHOU 11

Mary couldn’t afford to pay for all four tires, so she insisted Omar only change the punctured one. As she was trying to explain that she didn’t have the money, she had no idea a Public Safety trooper was just behind her, listening to her every word and sensing the sense of unease in her voice.

As the trooper became aware that if the tires won’t be changed it would pose danger for both the elderly woman and the public, so he decided to step in and pay the full price for four brand-new tires.

He, however, did it without Mary’s knowledge. Trooper Drew Stoner approached Omar and told him to do what needed to be done, paid for the service, and left the place.

Photo Credit: KHOU 11

Before leaving the shop, Trooper Stoner stopped at the front counter and paid for a new set of tires for the elderly woman without ever saying a word to her.

He left the business a moment later.

Photo Credit: KHOU 11

Shortly thereafter, Omar told Mary that she would be leaving with four brand-new tires, KHOU reported.

She was in complete disbelief.

“He said, ‘They’re paid for and everything,’” Mary told the news outlet. “And I said, ‘Who paid for it?’ And he said, ‘The trooper that was in here.’”

She said she was stunned that the trooper had done something so kind for a stranger.

Photo Credit: KHOU 11

“I can hardly talk about it now because I want to cry because he did that,” she continued. “And he did it, and he left.”

Mary desperately wanted to thank Trooper Stoner, so KHOU tracked him down.

He told the news outlet that he didn’t want any attention, but that he was happy to meet up with Mary.

The elderly woman hugged him during the heartwarming exchange that followed.

Watch the video report below for more details:

Sources: OpposingViews, KHOU 11