A top emergency room doctor who pushed for COVID restrictions, masks, and lockdowns during the pandemic now admits he was wrong.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, an emergency room physician in New Orleans, Louisiana, apologized to doctors who criticized face masks, lockdowns and other policies to combat COVID in 2020.
Fraiman criticized COVID-19 mitigation efforts and said society has to question if we want a public policy that is “obviously producing large harm and offering only a minimal benefit at best.”
However, in a Zoom session with other doctors, Fraiman apologized for criticizing proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration and said he hopes other doctors realize they made a mistake.
Dr. Fraiman said, “Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom… I’m sorry because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning.”
“These policies were harmful. Initially, I was – I don’t want to say I was ignorant but it was irrelevant because there were lives on the line, I’m an emergency doctor. There were lives on the line. No, we have to do it. But if the policies didn’t make a big difference and they only caused harm then you have to start rethinking what we’re doing,” he continued.
Dr. Fraiman called on other doctors to admit they were wrong about “harmful” COVID policies.
“The reality is hospitalizations and deaths were not reduced by 20% by any policies,” Fraiman said.
“Because if they were we would have had studies at this point that would have consistently identified that. And that just has not occurred at all. So, I think as a society we have to decide if we want to continue a public policy that’s obviously producing large harm and offering only a minimal benefit at best. It’s currently unmeasurable.
One doctor on Twitter agreed that lockdowns were unnecessary:
“I also have to count myself as a Dr who at the beginning, thought that the lock-downs were necessary to save lives, but now think they did far more harm than good, and actively speak out against them.”
Here are the comments from people online:
“The fact that they are now admitting what others were saying last year and the year before and getting banned tells me that “they” have achieved whatever it is they were hoping to achieve with COVID hysteria. This is far more troubling than Science/censorship issue”
“Wow. The courage it takes to say something like that in today’s society is staggeringly rare. It’s like witnessing a miracle.”
“Thank you doctor. Now please have the courage to address the obvious problems with the vaccine.”
“Now Dr. speak about how wrong it is that a lot of your colleagues and coworkers (nurses) have lost their jobs due to the very mandates (that should also be dropped) you and many others supported and how they should receive back pay and their jobs back.”
“They all got paid by big Pharma”
“Mmmmm interesting! I wonder if doctors in over 150 countries feel the same as Dr. Fraiman about the lockdowns combatting COVID?”
Watch it here: Bitchute/Video
Sources: Waynedupree, Nypost, Clashdaily