Biden Just Accidentally Revealed One Of His Biggest Scams!

While the world is speeding up at a rapid rate, America has elected an old mumbling President that is totally detached from reality.

Its sad that we have to face the future in Biden’s hand. We have to endure every single day watching him in the liberal news outlets which twist the facts just to make Biden look good.

In fact during a recent media interview, old Joe bragged how much he loved “teaching” as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

I mean its not intirely correct, he didn’t “teach” at the University of Pennsylvania, instead he pulled off a million-dollar grift. Biden was paid $1 million, but never taught a single class.

You can watch the video below:

Wayne Dupree commented on Biden’s bragging of being a professor:

Must be nice to be a Biden. You make millions for doing nothing.

Maybe in Joe’s dusty old brain he really believes he was a professor following his stint as Obama’s insignificant VP, but they only granted him an honorary “professorship.”

He didn’t teach anything and still earned $1 million bucks. How’s that for “Biden Privilege,” right?

That’s not “teaching.” That’s called a “grift.”

The New York Post reported:

Biden earned nearly $1 million from the University of Pennsylvania from 2017 to 2019, despite appearing rarely at the Ivy League school.

Biden said in a live-streamed address to the Munich Security Conference, “Two years ago, as you pointed out when I last spoke in Munich, I was a private citizen. I was a professor, not an elected official.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron were among the leaders who beamed into the speech, which followed a private morning discussion among G7 leaders.

Biden was an honorary professor at the Philadelphia school from February 2017 to April 2019.

He was paid $371,159 in 2017 and $540,484 in 2018 and 2019, according to an investigative report from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

According to a compilation of Biden appearances by the Daily Pennsylvanian, Biden visited campus at least nine times. One of the visits was a November 2017 event promoting his book “Promise Me, Dad.”

The other Biden visits included Q&As with UPenn administrators, one lecture to Wharton business school graduate students and public events with former Mexican President Felipe Calderon and former UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

I mean we would really love to see Biden live off a teacher’s salary. Once again, Biden detached himself from reality, I’m sure he thinks this is the average salary.

Seriouly, you definitely don’t see many professors making nearly $1 million in two years.

Sources: WayneDupree, The New York Post

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