According to a new bombshell report, Hillary Clinton’s campaign will now be facing major questions involving drugs addiction! The drug of choice? COCAINE!That’s right! Former President Bill Clinton reportedly loves to partake in blow! In fact, he has a “serious addiction” to the white stuff and at one time suffered a near fatal overdose!

Slick secretly stayed in a drug rehab center, according to the report.

The report was written by former White House Aide Roger Stone, who served in the Nixon administration. Stone says Bill’s drug problems started in the 1970’s when he was Governor of Arkansas and continued into the 1990’s.

“After Bill Clinton dropped out of the presidential race in July 1987, his handlers set about trying to ‘clean him up’ for future political campaigns,” Stone wrote.

“Part of this process, even if Bill’s womanizing could not be stopped, was to send Bill off to a drug rehab clinic.”

Larry Nichols, a member of the Clintons’ infamous “Kitchen Cabinet,” was told by Bill’s chief of staff Betsey Wright that Slick was put in rehab to get off cocaine for good!

“Nichols believes this was probably the Betty Ford Clinic in Minnesota, and Wright told Nichols that Clinton had been sent to drug rehab more than once,” Stone reports.

Stone also claimed Hillary has been behind the plot to hide her husband’s drug addiction from the public which could sink her presidential campaign.

The Political Insider reports that Democrat political insiders are nervous, and believe having to answer questions about this illegal drug use cover up could sink her campaign, which is already under fire during an FBI criminal investigation into the illegal use of a home email server to transmit classified information.

What makes the story worse is, Hillary Clinton reportedly went around threatening people into silence about her husband’s serious drug addiction.

The many women in Bill’s life, along with a handful of journalists, seem to be well-aware of Bill’s drug use:

“According to Sam Houston — a respected Little Rock doctor — in the early 1980s, Bill was admitted to the University of Arkansas Medical Center for emergency treatment for cocaine abuse and overdose, and had to be cared for at the hospital on one or possibly two occasions,” Stone wrote.

And journalist Christopher Ruddy reported: “When Mrs. Clinton arrived, she told both of the resident physicians on duty that night that they would never again practice medicine in the United States if word leaked out about Clinton’s drug problem.

“Reportedly, Hillary pinned one of the doctors up against the wall, both hands pressed against his shoulders, as she gave the dire warning.”

Bill’s other women, including ex–Miss Arkansas Sally Perdue and busty songbird Gennifer Flowers, also knew about his drug use, said Stone.

He wrote: “Sally said, ‘[Bill] had all of the [cocaine-snorting] equipment laid out, like a real pro.’”

Meanwhile, Gennifer said Bill would carry marijuana joints around, and sometime smoke them in her presence.

She added that she never personally saw Bill use cocaine, but he would talk about it and the effect it had on him.

“He told me about a party he had been to, and said, ‘I got so f—ed up on cocaine at that party,’” she said.

In another incident, Stone said “that while on family vacation in Boca Raton, Fla., Bill snuck away to the bathroom of a local restaurant and apparently was doing cocaine in a stall.

“Asked by a pal if he was okay, Stone said Bill replied: “Yeah, yeah … those damned sinuses are killing me.”

This is a huge scandal – the former President had 8 years in which this information could have been used against him by foreign governments. In addition, it shows that Hillary Clinton is a ruthless political operator who will stop at nothing to win… Even if it means breaking laws, destroying lives, and lying.

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  • It’s no secret that he is a coke user, since he was governor in Arkansas, had lot of friends, and his reputation of both Hillary and Bill Clinton was not good,no one in the state of Arkansas or at least the majority FUD not likes the crooks and druggie Bill. Old news he loves the stuff and women..


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