Black Woman Approaches Cop With SHOCKING Demand, Then He Sees What’s In Her Hands…

Officer Eden was sitting in his patrol car in the parking lot of a local grocery store in Arkansas when out of the blue an African-American woman appeared out of nowhere and knocked on his window. On the heels of this past weeks events, the officer still rolled down his window to hear what the woman had to say. 

The woman, Tiffany Sharell Block had her kids with her and wanted to show the officer some love!

She posted about why she did this and what happened as a result on her Facebook page which you can see in it’s entirety:  

“While at the gym this morning the Lord spoke some powerful words to me and gave me a challenge. Yes black lives matter, yes all lives matter but the Lord said the one thing that trumps it all is love.

Let’s start a ‪#‎lovematters‬ movement. God told me to go and talk with a police officer and extend love. I didn’t want to do this. It required me to get out of my comfort zone. So, I told God that if there was an opportunity that I would but I wasn’t going to go look for it.

Well, I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and guess who was sitting in their vehicle??? So I did what God told me to do and a 30 minute conversation ensued with Officer Eden.



He told me all about his career and some daily challenges. We got to know each other. I told him how my children were now afraid of the police. So, he talked with them and gave them badges.


We must start the conversation, to build relationships, to break down walls.. Let’s have the hard conversations guys…. with our friends of different ethnicities, our city leaders/officials, the pastors in our communities. Tear these walls down! Let’s extend love. Challenge yourself….

Move out of your comfort zone. Let’s make this trend…. #lovematters

Just FYI… when we got in the car to drive off, Troi-Anisse said, “He’s actually nice.”


(h/t: LoveWhatMatters)

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