In an interview with Tucker Carlson in mid-June, Ashli Babbitt‘s husband Aaron Babbitt and Attorney Terrell Roberts discussed the continued challenges they have had getting any information on her death or the identity of her government-employed killer.
During the interview, Carlson asked Attorney Roberts about the report that Ashli’s shooter also left his loaded gun in a US Capitol restroom.
Tucker Carlson: Mr. Roberts, let me ask you, there are reports online, that’s incredible I don’t know if they’re true, that the Capitol Hill police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, I’m not going to mention the name, was the same officer that left his loaded handgun in a public men’s room on the Capitol. Do you believe that is the officer, who seems like a very reckless person, shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on January 6th?
Attorney Terrell Roberts: That’s my belief. That’s my belief.
Just this Monday, The Gateway Pundit reader named “Michael” sent the final piece to identify Ashli Babbit’s killer.
According to this, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd is the name of the officer who left his gun inside a Capitol Hill restroom in 2019.
Roll Call also reported on Byrd back in February 2019:
A U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant left his service weapon in a bathroom Monday night and the unattended gun was discovered later by another Capitol Police officer.
After the House adjourned on Monday, Lt. Mike Byrd left his Glock 22 in a bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center complex, according to sources familiar with the incident. Byrd is the commander of the House Chambers section of the Capitol Police and was on the job Tuesday and Wednesday.
Recently, The Gateway Pundit Larry Johnson wrote recently on Byrd’s dangerous behaviors: Ashli Babbit’s Killer is a Dangerous Incompetent.
It’s not clear why Lt. Byrd was still on the police force in January 2021 after his previous actions.
Tayler Hansen reported at The Gateway Pundit on the identity of the shooter back on February 25th.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the 25th of February:
The Police Lieutenant’s name is being withheld from Ashli Babbit’s attorneys.
This is the Officer responsible for using excessive force and executing Ashli Babbitt.
Before killing Ashli, the Officer is seen aiming his firearm at fellow colleagues.
You can see the Officer disregards nearly every basic firearm safety rule in the book. His finger is wrapped around the trigger, while his firearm is aimed in the direction of his colleagues.
Original photo: Notice how the other Officers are properly handling their firearms and don’t have a finger wrapped around the trigger?
The Officer can be seen wearing what seems to be the identical handkerchief, tie, and insignia.
Here is the same picture but zoomed in, Antifa organizer John Sullivan is also pictured.
The Capitol Police Officers statement regarding the killing of Ashli Babbitt
The Officer could not see three uniformed Officers against the wall nearest to Ashli, was not able to see how far down the crowd extended, saw a hallway full of “oncoming people“, and claims Ashli Babbitt wearing a backpack compounded his fears leading to the shooting.
He contradicted himself multiple times in one statement. If he is telling the truth about not seeing the Officers, he is lying about Ashli Babbitt’s backpack compounding his fears.
Unless he has X-Ray Vision.
Mark Schamel, the defense attorney representing the shooter issued a statement regarding his client and the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.
“If he’s not cleared, we don’t have a country we want to live in anymore.” – Mark Schamel
Mark Schamel’s statement has also cleared the name of Special Agent, David Bailey.
Source: The Gateway Pundit