Capitol Hill Cage Match Raging Over Impeachment

The hearing room of the House Judiciary Committee has been turned into a no holds barred cage match, as the democrats continue their misguided impeachment attempts. In the far-left corner, wearing blue trunks and clown shoes, is Chairman Jerrold Nadler. Fighting for the radical-right, Jim Jordan of Ohio proudly sports his crimson shorts and MAGA hat. They’re armed to the teeth with boxes of legal precedent, fighting over whether or not the democrats get the secret Mueller grand jury transcripts which Nadler and his buddies demanded, “by Friday.”

Impeachment scheme vs overthrow attempt

The House Committee on the Judiciary is a time honored “standing” oversight board, charged with making sure officials follow the rules. They watch over “the federal courts, administrative agencies and Federal law enforcement entities.” The same people supervising the FBI and CIA are also in charge of the impeachment of federal officials, including the president.

Nadler is still trying to impeach President Trump while Jordan is intent on sending all of Barack Obama’s former officials to federal prison for a long, long time. Jordan is currently way ahead on points, especially considering that it’s now clear that the only one conspiring with Russians was Hillary Clinton.

Earlier this week, we learned that Nadler’s co-conspirator, Adam Schiff, has been sitting on dozens of transcripts that Jordan had ordered released about two years ago.

What’s lurking under all the black magic marker lines

Nadler can’t move his impeachment plot forward until he gets to see what might be lurking beneath the black magic marker lines in Robert Mueller’s evidence. As an official court filing describes it, the committee needs the records “so it can keep investigating President Donald Trump for potentially impeachable offenses.” They just won’t stop beating that dead horse.

Lawyers for the committee argued on Wednesday that the DC Federal Circuit Court of Appeals “shouldn’t delay access to the Mueller material.” The lower appeals court previously decided the House could see it but the Department of Justice cried foul. Last week, they requested the court “block the disclosure of the details because it wants to take the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.” The current deadline for release is Friday.

If the Court sides with the conservatives, a review by the Supreme Court couldn’t possibly begin sooner than August, so that blows all hopes of influencing the election again right out of the water.

New articles of impeachment

“As the Committee informed this Court in December, its investigation into President Trump’s misconduct is ongoing, and the grand-jury material will inform its determination whether President Trump committed additional impeachable offenses in obstructing Special Counsel [Robert] Mueller’s investigation and whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” they whined.

Even the quarantine lockdown won’t stop them. “This remains true today. The current pandemic notwithstanding, the Committee’s investigation is not ‘dormant.'” Attorney General William Barr is certain that as soon as the democrats get the smallest peek, it will all suddenly leak to the press. The DOJ asserts, turning over the raw material will “upset the status quo … irreversibly breaching the secrecy of those materials.”

Democrats are practically foaming at the mouth to get a look at what Paul Manafort had to say. Mueller “documented extensive contact between Trump campaign officials and Russians in 2016,” but couldn’t find a single thing they could charge the president with. “Mueller did not find evidence to prove coordination between the campaign and Russia to interfere in the election,” CNN writes.

Mark Megahan

Mark Megahan is a resident of Arizona and "deplorable" Donald Trump supporter. For several years, he has been an outspoken critic of the "deep state" government within a government, while providing solid fact based analysis of current events. Mark is also an impassioned advocate for those like himself who are disabled by chemical hypersensitivity.

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