Hell yeah! In a feel good story for the week, you can feel content in knowing ISIS is consistently getting blown off the face of the earth. In the most recent B-2 moving we wiped out nearly 100 jihadists working for 'Allah' at 2 training camps in Libya. BOOM! Check this out!
This farmer was sick and tired of refugees living on his property, so he took matters into his own hands. Do you think he went too far? Or was he justified in doing it?
Peace and Justice: The two main reasons for the foundation of the United Nations. We embrace differences of all types...but when you have the President of the foundation condones terrorism in any form...people tend to go into panic mode. This is terrifying. Could he be any more obvious in his bias in favor of a terror-supporting state?
“The inmate population has been gradually eliminated through deliberate starvation, forced labor, executions, torture, rape and the denial of reproductive rights.”
Geert Wilders, Dutch Member of Parliament and leader of the Party For Freedom, delivered a closing statement to the jury at his “hate speech” trial in the Netherlands after he advocated letting fewer migrants into the country. You don't want to miss this!!
A terrorist attack on an elementary school?..it doesn't get more gruesome and sinister than that. God will take care of these guys. As for the small children who lost their lives...may they rest in peace.