Crossbow Hero Zeros In On Neighbor By Mistake

A crossbow is a serious weapon. Things unfortunately didn’t go as intended when a Massachusetts man tried to save his neighbor from attacking pit bulls. The bolt “glanced” off a dog, then through the front door and into the neighbor, killing 27-year-old Joshua Jadusingh.

A Hero to the rescue with a crossbow

A Massachusetts man, who’s name hasn’t been disclosed, will not be charged in connection with a tragic incident that occurred February 5. He accidentally killed his neighbor while trying to save him from a vicious dog attack. Apparently, he didn’t realize the power of the weapon when he grabbed it in the heat of the moment.

According to a statement released by the Berkshire District Attorney’s office, An emergency call came in to the Adams Police Department at around 12:09 p.m. on Wednesday, alerting them to a “reported mauling in progress.” When the good Samaritan “heard a commotion coming from his neighbor’s apartment,” he rushed to help, grabbing his trusty crossbow on the way.

As Jadusingh “was attempting to barricade himself from the attack” behind his door, the neighbor fired his weapon. “Investigators believe that the bolt struck one of the dogs in the neck, went through the door and fatally struck the neighbor.” Responding officers were forced to “neutralize the animals” with their service revolvers before they could render aid because the dogs instantly attacked them. They soon “found Jadusingh’s body and an unharmed child in a nearby room inside the apartment.”

A history of aggressive behavior

The pair of pit bulls owned by Jadusingh and his girlfriend were known fighters with “a history of being aggressive.” District Attorney Andrea Harrington explains that “the adult male pit bulls were known to fight and were usually kept in separate cages.” One of the dogs “previously attacked someone in the home in 2018, and the unidentified victim had to receive medical care.”

Even though the ballistics tests aren’t complete, the DA does not anticipate filing any charges. They are calling the man who fired the fatal shot a “good Samaritan” and are investigating the incident as an “accidental death.”

Mark Megahan

Mark Megahan is a resident of Arizona and "deplorable" Donald Trump supporter. For several years, he has been an outspoken critic of the "deep state" government within a government, while providing solid fact based analysis of current events. Mark is also an impassioned advocate for those like himself who are disabled by chemical hypersensitivity.

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