Did This ADORABLE PUP Just Drive A Semi Truck Into Tree?

You’ve probably seen the ‘dog-shaming‘ pictures plastered across Facebook and Instagram — pups wearing signs saying “I chew all my moms shoes and gouge out my stuffed animals eyes” or “I bark at all pants.” We may have a new one: “I drove a semi-truck into a tree.”

On Friday afternoon, customers at the Kiwk Trip gas station along Highway 169 in Mankato, Minnesota got quite a show: a hapless lab appearing to drive a truck into a gas station and nearby tree.

According to Mankato police, an idling semi-truck was, somehow, put in gear before 2 p.m. and traveled through the Wilson Trailer Sales parking lot, across the street, over a curb, and into a tree.

And then this cutie stuck his head out the window.

David Stegora / AP
Witness David Stegora jumped in the vehicle to help when he noticed the dog chilling in the driver’s seat. “I heard the tree snap and I thought somebody decided to turn around but then it just kept going forward,” he told the Mankato Free Press. At first, it was unclear how the truck was moving, but it became a lot more obvious when he was greeted by a wet-nosed, furry driver.
The State Patrol compiled an accident report and removed the vehicle from the road. No news yet on whether the truck’s owner or the joyriding pup will be charged with anything.
Police Commander Dan Schisel didn’t have too much to say on the incident: “All I know is it was a Labrador,” he said.

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