One thing you do not want to do to the people of Michigan is that you do not want to lie to them. They are good hardworking people and not willing to put up with people lying to them.
The election was a fraud and everyone knows it but it seems that only the people that were robbed are willing to say anything. That’s why at the end of the day we need to make sure that every vote that was counted is a real one.
Over 150 Michigan citizens, including whistleblowers that worked as paid contractors for Dominion Voting Systems and for the Wayne County Clerks office and GOP poll challengers, have signed sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud, voter irregularities or harassment, bullying, and threats by election workers at the TCF Center in Detroit where hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots were processed.
Now, a non-partisan group of unpaid citizens and volunteer experts have compiled a very compelling analysis of the absentee ballots counted in Michigan that raises some huge red flags about the credibility of Michigan’s November election results.
From the report:
Several nationally recognized statistical experts were asked to examine some 2020 Michigan voting records and to identify anything that they deemed to be statically significant anomalies — i.e., large deviations from the norm.
In the process, they basically worked separately from other team members, consulted with other experts, analyzed the data they were given from different perspectives, obtained some additional data on their own, etc. — all in a very limited time allotment.
Their one and only objective was to try to assure that every legal Michigan vote is counted, and only legal Michigan votes are counted.
The takeaway is that (based on the data files they were examining) these experts came to one or more of the following conclusions:
1) There are some major statistical aberrations in the MI voting records that are extremely unlikely to occur in a normal (i.e., un-manipulated) setting.
2) The anomalies almost exclusively happened with the Biden votes. Time and again, using a variety of techniques, the Trump votes looked statistically normal.
3) Nine (out of 83) Michigan counties stood out from all the rest. These counties showed distinctive signs of voting abnormalities — again, all for Biden.