EVEN CNN Caught Asking “Where’s Sleepy Joe”?

You can always tell how serious someone is about something by the level of effort they put into it.

If someone is trying to get a job they will do to prove that they are the right person for the position. Otherwise, some folks will just go through the motions that people expect of them.

Sure, preparing for a debate is important. However, you also have to put in the roadwork of going out there and saying hi to people…

CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned Biden’s decision to take another day off of campaigning, according to the Daily Caller.

“Where was Joe Biden?”

“Joe Biden takes no votes for granted,” Coons said.

“As you know, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have crisscrossed the country, campaigning in critical, decisive swing states —”

“Not the way President Trump is campaigning,” Tapper retorted.

“I take your point on the unsafe rallies that the president is having but Joe Biden didn’t have any events yesterday,” Tapper pressed again. “I’m not saying he should be having unsafe event but why is he taking a day off less than three weeks to go before the election?”

“Joe Biden has campaigned tirelessly but he has campaigned safely,” Coons said, calling Trump’s campaign events “frenzied.”

Additionally, she accused him of continuing to “lie, just incessantly, morning, noon and night.”

“That is why I say don’t focus on the national polls. Focus on getting out and voting,” he said.

“I would just say that I think it’s pretty much the opposite of all the word ‘tireless’ to take a day off but let’s move on,” Tapper concluded.

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