Fauci’s “Wonder Cure” Being Sold At An ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS MARKUP!

For those that do not have health insurance, you only need to have to go to the hospital once without it or pick up a prescription at the cash price to see how important having health insurance can be sometimes.

For example, about five years ago my wife had to go to the emergency room. She had an allergic reaction to a medication and without insurance, this emergency room visit would have cost about four thousand dollars. Imagine if they made you pay before you went in.

If there is a cure, there is always going to be a cost to it. And you can guarantee that there are people looking to clean up over COVID.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Hydroxychloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors treating the coronavirus.
In the field and in independent testing hydroxychloroquine displayed amazing results in treating the COVID-19 virus.

But there was great pushback against hydroxychloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

It is not a stretch to say the Democrat establishment would rather see people die than see President Trump be proven right.

As we reported earlier from the beginning Dr. Fauci was against the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus. Fauci was thrilled about its use just a few years ago.

Dr. Fauci did promote the use of remdesivir. He was excited to share the news on its effectiveness in April.

Gilead, the company that produces remdesivir, is a large company that spends millions in its lobbying efforts annually..

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