Hillary Didn’t Know The Mic Was Still On When She Said THIS

They discussed a host of topics but the most revealing was when they spoke of Donald Trump concerning his media coverage and endorsement from Chris Christie.

Clinton and Matthews both made some harsh comments when discussing why the media kept covering Trump so intensely.


It seems to be a joke that people want to watch Donald Trump, but the reality is, he’s garnered so much support and people genuinely what to hear what he has to say. But they are so afraid of him they can’t help but feel like “people shouldn’t want to watch him.”

Clinton: “Man, you guys can’t stop covering him (Trump). I mean, he is a dangerous presence. And you know, it’s just like candy by the bushel.”

Matthews: “… we have a progressive audience, obviously. But nobody can tell what works, what people want to watch.”

Clinton: “Yeah, people must think they want to watch him.”

Matthews: “You can laugh at him.”

Hillary also had some interesting things to say about Christie’s endorsement asking,

“Did he have a debt or something?”

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  • She is so full of it. No one wants to hear anything she says. All lies, like when she wouldn’t answer about her emails and Bengazi. She would like it all to go away but it isn’t. It will follow her to her death. One other thing, why do we never see her in a skirt, they still are in style. She is always in pants. Does she think she is in the man’s world? Just wondering. Can’t wait for it all to be over and we won’t have to see her plastered all over the networks.

  • She is so full of it. No one wants to hear anything she says. All lies, like when she wouldn’t answer about her emails and Bengazi. She would like it all to go away but it isn’t. It will follow her to her death. One other thing, why do we never see her in a skirt, they still are in style. She is always in pants. Does she think she is in the man’s world? Just wondering. Can’t wait for it all to be over and we won’t have to see her plastered all over the networks.

    This post is being made on 3/17/16 and is not a duplicate of any other post.

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