How Much Money Zuckerberg Slipped To Democrats Is Insane!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg literally spent a TON of money during the 2020 election, and he passed all of that money to Democrats. The man used a myriad of legal loopholes in order to pass as much as $419.5 million to support different Democrat candidates during this election.

The loopholes he used enabled him to pass money through two different organizations that would then put the money into local government election coffers, of course with stipulations on how the money could be spent.

The New York Post was the first news entity to break the story on Thursday regarding this shocking political influence.

Headlined “ZUCK’S BUCK: How Facebook boss gave $419 million to get Biden elected”, this report noted that “the 2020 election wasn’t stolen — it was likely bought by one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men pouring his money through legal loopholes.”

Essentially, the report said that Zuckerberg had orchestrated and funded a “targeted, private takeover of government election operations” for some highly partisan purposes even though these should have been run by impartial organizations.

This Post article concluded that Zuckerberg’s money had “significantly increased Joe Biden’s vote margin in key swing states. In places like Georgia, where Biden won by 12,000 votes, and Arizona, where he won by 10,000, the spending likely put him over the top.”

“This unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward,” the report added.

The two research organizations were entitled the Center For Technology and Civic LIfe (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), and they distributed the money to different cities and counties throughout the United States in a manner that would bring out Democrat voters and increase the count for Joe Biden in several swing states, according to William Doyle, Ph.D., the main researcher at the Caesar Rodney Election Research Institute wrote in the Federalist in an article that was also featured in the Post

Doyle’s team was responsible for conducting the research, and they bluntly called this merger of public election offices and private resources a total “threat to our republic, and should be the focus of election reform efforts moving forward.” The crux of the matter, however, is that they the same as accused Zuckerberg of likely buying the election.

Doyle continued by noting that the CEIR and CTCL money did not utilize these financing of campaign expenses in a traditional manner. Instead, they funded activities such as “vote navigators” that would launch outreach campaigns in areas that had a high amount of Democrat voters.

For example, there were plenty of navigators in Wisconsin that assisted voters with such things as answering questions and witnessing absentee ballots. Moreover, these navigators were out in full force in Georgia to assist Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams with an agency called “Happy Faces.”

CTCL pushed long and hard for universal mail-in voting by extending deadlines that would favor this method over in-person ballots. Basically, any voting method that assisted the Democrats would be something that they would wholeheartedly support.

The great majority of the money donated by Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, went to CTCL for a total of $350 million. This ultimately went to jurisdictions to help them hire staff, buy mail-in vote processing equipment, and allow for other measures to handle the 2020 election during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interestingly enough, the grants of $1 million or more totaled 26, and they went to cities and counties in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia. That’s all well and good, but 25 of these areas were places that Biden won. Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the CTCL doled out to Wisconsin went to Green Bay, which is heavily Democrat, and not any of the more rural counties where the GOP has a stronger foothold.

“We call this the injection of structural bias into the 2020 election, and our analysis shows it likely generated enough additional votes for Biden to secure an Electoral College victory in 2020,” Doyle writes.

However, he did stress that “more proof is needed” to determine if the organizations’ efforts had led to large numbers of extra Democrat votes, and he further explained that the research used showed how the vote was affected even in places like Texas where Trump won and said that he didn’t think it would be “inconceivable” that such methods could come into play in future elections.

“We have good reason to anticipate that the results of our work will show that CTCL and CEIR involvement in the 2020 election gave rise to an election that, while free, was not fair,” he concluded. “The 2020 election wasn’t stolen — it was likely bought with money poured through legal loopholes.”

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