32-Yr Old ILLEGAL ALIEN Repeatedly Raped and Impregnated 15-Yr Old Stepdaughter As Way To Stay In U.S.

Can you recall when the Democratic Party and the media continued to non-stop criticize and insult presidential candidate Donald Trump for admitting to a large group of supporters that Mexico is not on our side, and they are sending bad people across our borders into the US?

Donald Trump made it clear to Arizona, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Most people with common sense could figure out he was talking about the illegal immigrants who come into America and commit horrible acts of crime.

In this case, Horacio Alvarado, an illegal alien from Mexico repeatedly raped his 14-year-old step-daughter and eventually impregnated her in hopes that it would be his golden ticket to citizenship.

Reported by 100percentfedup:

An illegal immigrant in Milwaukee is accused of fathering his teenage stepdaughter’s child in a misguided attempt to remain in the US.

Horacio Alvarado, 32, allegedly impregnated the girl when she was 15 and then sought a paternity test, believing it would keep him in the country.

The girl gave birth to the child back in 2012 but police only uncovered a lengthy history of alleged assaults last month when they started investigating a new sexual assault claim made by the victim.

The step-daughter, now aged 22, was being interviewed over the recent sex assault allegation when she told police Alvarado had repeatedly abused her as a teenager, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

She told authorities Alvarado raped her on average three times a week from when she was 14 until she was 18 years old. The alleged abuse continued even after she gave birth to his child.

The woman told police that Alvarado allegedly assaulted her when her mother, Linda Alvarado, was at work or sleeping late at night.

She claims her mother once walked into the bedroom while Alvarado was raping her, but she left the bedroom without trying to stop him.

The woman told authorities she kept the identity of her baby’s father a secret from everyone except her mother, who she told shortly after the child was born.

The Milwaukee County Circuit Court established Alvarado as the child’s legal father in 2015.

The criminal complaint states that Alvarado believed a positive paternity test would grant him permission to remain in the country.

The girl’s mother, Linda Alvarado, has also been charged with misdemeanor child neglect. She was released on a $500 bond.

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