ILLEGAL!: There Are Cancer Causing Ingredients In Your Shampoo (Your Baby’s Too)

You might not be aware of the fact that your shampoo can cause much more that just a stinging sensation in your eyes. Apparently, this hair product can be deadly.

Namely, a study on soaps and shampoos conducted by the Center for Environmental Health, based in Oakland, California, discovered that 98 of the included products contained a potential carcinogen called cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA).

Some of the items high in this ingredient are shampoos produced by Palmolive, Colomer, Colgate, Paul Mitchell and many others. Furthermore, in violation of California law, numerous of the tested products which were found to contain cocamide DEA were in fact intended for children or had a fake organic label.

The execute director of CEH, Michael Green, stated that “Most people believe that products sold in major stores are tested for safety, but consumers need to know that they could be doused with a cancer-causing chemical every time they shower or shampoo.

We expect companies to take swift action to end this unnecessary risk to our children’s and families’ health.”

Despite the numerous personal care products and brand name shampoos, the testing conducted by the CEH also discovered cocamide DEA in store-brand products sold at Kohl’s, Pharmaca, Walmart, and Trader Joe’s.

CEH also tested the falsely labeled organic products from Organic by Africa’s Best for significant amounts of cocamide DEA. Moreover, the same carcinogenic ingredient was also found in a children’s shampoo/conditioner from Babies R Us, and a children’s bubble bath from Kmart.

You can find a full list of all 98 suspect shampoos here.


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