(Natural News) Former Vice President Joe Biden – who will never be elected president, by the way – has a message for American Christians: If you don’t defect from your faith and embrace leftism, then you’re going to be added to the government’s terror watch list.

This is what Biden promised during a recent CNN “town hall” event as he decried believers in Jesus Christ for opposing the radical LGBTQ agenda.


Biden – View – Transgender – Mafia – Effort

In Biden’s view, unless you vigorously support the transgender mafia in its effort to “transition” all children into something other than their natural biological sex, then you’re a terrorist who deserves to be marginalized from society, and possibly even shipped off to Guantanamo.

Biden’s antichrist position stems from a suggestion put forth by the radical, far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hate group, which is pushing for all opposition to the Cult of LGBTQ to be designated as “terrorism,” which under George W. Bush’s “Patriot Act” means that an individual’s constitutional rights are nullified.


President – Backfire – Democrats – Election

Will impeaching the President backfire on Democrats in the next election?

Fast food chain Chick-fil-A, by the way, despite having long pandered to Christian evangelicals, is also a supporter of the SPLC, which we previously reported is pushing not just a pro-LGBTQ agenda, but also an anti-white and antichrist agenda.

Crimes – Position – Administration – Department – Justice

“What we had before to deal with hate crimes was we had a position in our administration, within both the Department of Justice as well as within Homeland Security, a provision to keep watch on these groups that we know are out there – like terrorist groups, they’re similar,” Biden stated, referring to the “danger” of Christians in American society.

“To be able to follow what they’re doing and follow up on threats that come forward,” Biden went on to contend about how he believes the federal government should be able…



(Excerpt) Read more at: DC Clothesline

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