Kamala’s Latest Decision Will Put Your Job In Central America!

Kamala Harris is planning to outsource investment from the U.S. to Central America. Is this is the America Last administration?

During Harris’ announcement, she claimed that this is what it means to be a good neighbor. Harris may not understand that outsourcing is what has killed small towns across America. Companies need to be coming BACK to America and setting up shop here!

It’s the collective thought that Harris is trying to push that the “Northern Triangle” of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras must be helped by the U.S. investing in those countries. Harris says we must work together with the Northern Triangle, but she couldn’t be more wrong.

Harris is a pawn in a much bigger strategic game of globalism. One of the players in this globalist attempt at redistribution is the World Economic Forum. The headline at the World Economic Forum website about the announcement:

“Inclusive growth” is a key term meaning redistribution of wealth from the U.S. to the Northern Triangle. Remember when Obama said “at some point, you’ve made enough money” and that you need to “spread the wealth”? This is what’s happening under the Biden/Harris plan.

Promoting any country other than your own, especially now that the U.S. is coming out of the pandemic, is irresponsible.

The Biden administration released a statement:

The Call to Action aims to generate new commitments from businesses and social enterprises in six focus areas with an emphasis on supporting vulnerable populations, including women and youth, in the Northern Triangle region. These focus areas include:

–Reform Agenda – Commitments to support greater transparency, predictability, and stability in the business enabling environment by facilitating regional government efforts to adopt international best practices in licensing, permitting, procurement, regulation, and taxation.

–Digital and Financial Inclusion – Commitments to expand affordable internet access and participation in the digital economy; facilitate access to financial technologies and capital for small businesses, particularly women- and indigenous-owned businesses; and ensure that the most vulnerable and the most likely to migrate have access to basic public services and financial institutions.

–Food Security and Climate-smart Agriculture – Commitments to combat food shortages by increasing agricultural productivity and crop resilience.

–Climate Adaptation and Clean Energy – Commitments to support the region’s resilience to climate change through adaptation and mitigation efforts; support industries impacted by climate change; and transition to clean energy.

–Education and Workforce Development – Commitments to expand job-training programs; support greater access to technical and secondary education; and create higher-paying formal sector jobs, especially for women and in rural areas.

–Public Health Access – Commitments to support regional governments in addressing the impact of COVID-19 on their populations; build robust and resilient health economies to confront future health challenges; support access to clean water and sanitation; and ensure inclusive access to healthcare.

Watch it here: GOP War Room/Youtube

Source: 100 Percent Fed Up

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