Libs Are Furious Over Photo of Trump on Air Force One… Can You See Why?

Wow, how time sure flies by fast..

One year ago from now marks the anniversary of President Trump’s big win, beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election.

From then until now, the Left’s attitude has not changed much.

Liberals across America recently became livid when President Trump marked the incredible occasion of his win with a photo on social media.

According to theviralpatriots:

They explained that President Trump celebrated the one year anniversary of his big win by thanking the “deplorables” who voted for him and made his “Electoral College landslide victory” a reality.

Trump’s tweet read,

Congratulations to all of the ‘DEPLORABLES’ and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!

He also posted a photo of himself beside his top aides on Air Force One.

The aides in the photo alongside President Trump are White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller, White House Senior Adviser and son-in-law to President Trump Jared Kushner, President Trump’s Personal Aide and Special Assistant John McEntee, as well as White House Social Media Director Dan Scavino.

Our Commander in Chief spent time in China last week during his two week trip to Asia. He also paid visits to South Korea and Japan. Vietnam and the Philippines were on the agenda as well.

During his time in South Korea, President Trump was confronted by a Liberal reporter. She questioned Trump about the shooting that took place last week in a Sutherland Springs First Baptist church in Texas. Trump wasn’t taking the bait.

It was reported by Conservative 101 that this reporter decided not to focus on the important international issues that Trump was working on during this trip, like the big issues with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Instead, she decided to shame President Trump and all First Amendment supporters. She asked if Trump was considering putting “extreme vetting” into place for anyone who wished to legally purchase a firearm.

Trump started out by explaining to this reporter that she was out of line by asking such a question, but he agreed to answer it if she insisted on going there. You know you’re bringing up a situation that probably shouldn’t be discussed too much right now — we could let a little time go by, Trump started. But it’s OK, if you feel that’s an appropriate question, even though we’re in the heart of South Korea, I will certainly answer your question.

He continued on to explain exactly why this Liberal reporter was wrong in her assessment of how to deal with the gun violence on America. He stated, If you did what you’re suggesting there would have been no difference three days ago, and you might not have had that very brave person who happened to have a gun or a rifle in his truck and shoot him, and hit him and neutralize him. I can only say this: If he didn’t have a gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would’ve had hundreds more dead. So that’s the way I feel about it. Not gonna help.

It was obvious that this young woman was embarrassed that President Trump proved her to be less than competent. Despite her embarrassment, she went on to ask President Trump if he was considering implementing “any kind of gun control policy going forward.”

President Trump wasted no time in shooting back, “When you look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation, is Chicago. And Chicago is a disaster. It’s a total disaster. Just remember, if this man didn’t have a gun or a rifle, you would be talking about a much worse situation in the great state of Texas.

Watch the exchange below:

Why can’t Liberals just let President Trump do his job? He won the election fair and square and the majority of Americans are on his side, so let’s give his policies a chance. After all, they can’t put us any further behind than Obama’s policies did.

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