It would seem to even the most untrained eye that the government and those in charge right now are doing what they can in the context of COVID to see what they can get us to agree to.

Remember, freedom is rarely taken away. The majority of the time, it is given away freely and willingly. It’s the weirdest thing to think that people would be willing to let the government tell them what time to do home.

It is what has happened with the lockdown restrictions and it seems that they are doing everything they can to curb our freedoms.

Earlier this week Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot joined New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in calling for the end of lockdowns.
This comes just days before Joe Biden is expected to be sworn in as president.

It is clear now the lockdowns were based on politics, not science.

This sudden change of strategy by Democrat leaders is not lost on the people.

GOYA CEO says these sinister tactics by Democratic leaders are “criminal.”

Trending Politics reported:

The sudden about face by the Democrats only confirms the suspicions by many that the lockdowns have been driven by politics and the need to crash the economy in order to hurt President Trump rather than to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

One CEO who is pointing out that the lockdowns are a Democrat sham is Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue who on Friday blasted the lockdowns during an appearance on Fox News.

According to Unanue:

“It’s the worst thing we could have done. Just for political gain, I think it is criminal, I think it is immoral to shut down this economy for this … basically political reason”

Unanue also accused the political left of weaponizing the coronavirus to achieve their goal of vanquishing Trump and retaking total political power while destroying tens of millions of lives and an untold number of small businesses with the lockdowns.

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