NAMES REVEALED Of TOP DONOR And Popular ACTRESS Behind Disgusting Leftist Latino TV Ad Depicting White Man Running Down Minority Kids With Truck

Just released by a progressive Latino Victory Fund was a new ad that portrays supporters of Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate De Gillespie as racist people who hurt children.

The horrible ad features a male driving a large pick-up truck with a Gillespie campaign sticker, a Tea Party front license plate, and a Confederate flag on the back as he hunts down two Latino boys, an African-American boy, and a Muslim female with a hijab.

As the children run for their lives into an alley and try to jump a fence the truck runs straight for them, and then they wake up to it being a horrible dream.

Many feel it was disgusting and a horrible attack on the people in that region, and want to know who funded the production of the ad in the first place?

According to 100percentfedup:

When a disgusting ad appeared on TV showing a white man in a pick-up truck with a confederate flag in the back, and an Ed Gillespie for Governor bumper sticker on the gate, that was chasing down a group of minority kids in their neighborhood, Americans from every political party were disgusted. Many were asking who in the world was behind the Latino Victory Fund that sponsored the disgusting ad? Well, Washington Free Beacon did some digging, and as it turns out, the same person who funds violent riots, Antifa anti-free speech uprisings, or violent anti-Trump protests is also behind the funding of this horrible and divisive group whose co-founder is a well-known leftist actress. 

Liberal billionaire George Soros is a major funder of a Latino activist group that produced an ad in Virginia depicting a supporter of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie running down minority children in a truck, which was pulled following the New York City terror attack that left eight people dead.

The group was part of Soros-backed efforts against Trump and Republicans during the 2016 election cycle, and its leadership includes individuals who previously worked directly with Soros at his foundation.

The Latino Victory Fund, a group that carries a mission of “growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government,” released the advertisement showing a man driving a pickup truck with a Gillespie campaign bumper sticker chasing minority children down streets and alleyways. “Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by ‘the American dream?’” the voiceover says in the ad.

Cristóbal J. Alex, the president of the Latino Victory, said the ad was produced to show how Gillespie has “eagerly embraced racism and xenophobia” during the campaign. The group pulled the ad following the terror attack in New York City on Tuesday and issued a non-apology when announcing the move.

“We knew our ad would ruffle feathers,” Alex said in a statement late Tuesday night. “We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see. We have decided to pull our ad at this time. Given recent events, we will be placing other powerful ads into rotation that highlight the reasons we need to elect progressive leaders in Virginia.”

Here’s the disgusting ad:

Latino Victory was co-founded by actress Eva Longoria and San Antonio-based businessman Henry R. Muñoz III, who has chaired the DNC’s finance committee since 2013. Longoria and Muñoz previously operated the Futuro Fund, which raised $32 million for Barack Obama’s reelection efforts.

Soros is the top individual donor to the Latino Victory Fund this year and has given $150,000 to the group, Federal Election Commission filings show. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) BOLD PAC, the fundraising arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, also gave $150,000 to the Latino Victory Fund.

Soros produced funding for a campaign last year that involved the group.

Numerous immigration activist groups, including Latino Victory, the Center for Community Change, and America’s Voice, launched “Families Fight Back” during the 2016 election cycle.

The Washington Free Beacon recently obtained unredacted tax documents revealing donors for the Center for Community Change, which does not disclose their contributors. Soros gave millions in funding to the group. It also received funding from the likes of the Ford Foundation, which was first created by members of the Ford Motor Company, but is no longer connected to the company.

Three others who work at Latino Victory came from the failed presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. –WFB

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  • You people in general ruffle feathers since you are no more that moron puppets of George Soros who have no intelligence of your own because you allow communist people such as Soros use you for their agenda.

  • Eva Longoria is the racist provocateur? Who knew she was such a slimeball? Another worthless, talentless stool sample from Hollywood.

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