No Bad Blood: 1960s Civil Rights Icon STUNS Democrats by Endorsing …DONALD TRUMP!

There’s one main reason why Mississippi’s Charles Evers is endorsing Donald Trump for president.

“I believe in him first of all because he’s a businessman,” the 93-year-old civil rights activist told The Clarion-Ledger Friday. “I think jobs are badly needed in Mississippi.”

“Our catfish is shipped to China and brought back for us to buy. Put a catfish farm here.”

Additionally, Evers stated he hasn’t “seen any proof of [Trump] being a racist.”

“All of us have some racism in us. Even me,” he added before stating — in reference to Trump’s inflammatory positions on immigration –that the United States is “not obligated in any capacity to support illegal immigrants.”

But there is a BIG reason why Democrats are in full “freak out” mode over this endorsement: because of who Evers’ brother was — civil rights leader Medgar Evers — was assassinated in front of the family’s Jackson, MS home in 1963.


MLK Jr. and Charles Evers (right) at funeral for Medgar Evers, 1963

Liberals on the Clarion Ledger article announcing Evers’ endorsement are full of predictable slurs such as “Uncle Tom” and “sellout,” and asking how much he was “paid” to back Trump. But they should have known better.

That’s because the 93-year-old has a storied history with the state’s civil rights movement. After his brother’s death, Evers served as the Mississippi field secretary for the NAACP. In 1969, he became the first black mayor of a Mississippi town or city since reconstruction when he was elected mayor of Fayette. In 1980, he switched to the Republican party, garnering national attention for his endorsement of Ronald Reagan.

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  • This is exactly what is hurting the REAL America’s people. American’s come in all color, shape, National origin & religion.
    But the REAL AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON “WE LOVE AMERICA” that’s why we should stick together to run this kind of lowlife out of our country.

  • Charles Evers is an amazing man. He has been through more in one lifetime that most of us would go through in three.

    His endorsement means a lot.

    Let me say that again.

    His endorsement means a LOT.

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