And in other news, the TSA continues to suck.
It isn’t even summer yet, and major problems with longer and longer TSA screening times are happening at major airports across the nation, including Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte, Minneapolis/St. Paul, and San Jose just to name a few. During Spring Break (March 14-20) this year alone, an estimated 6,800 airline passengers missed their flights due to TSA screening delays on American Airlines — just American Airlines.
Who knows how many people in total — mostly innocent Americans who bought a ticket to ride on a plane simply because they want to travel quickly from one place to another — missed their flights that week in this country. Or how many miss a flight in total on a daily basis thanks to TSA. The number would probably shock us all… or not. (It is the TSA we’re talking about.)
A thousand passengers missed their flights at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport in March thanks to TSA, and 650 passengers missed their flights in just one day at Charlotte Douglas International Airport — Good Friday — again on American Airlines for the very same reason.
Airport Policy News reported on the fact that many airports are now considering pulling the plug on TSA, but who knows if it will actually happen. The manager at Atlanta’s airport has given TSA a deadline of 60 days to fix screening time issues or else he’s going to replace TSA with contract screeners. Other airports are threatening to do the same.
Supposedly TSA was banking on the fact that people would sign up (and pay) for Homeland Security’s PreCheck program, but hardly anyone wants to. Get ready for a marketing blitz of taxpayer-funded commercials about how awesome it is to pay $85 to take time out of your life to willingly be fingerprinted at a homeland security application center in exchange for being treated a little less like a criminal when you attempt to fly at an airport.
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