Since Biden took office things have never been the same in my beloved country United States… Patriots have been hunted down, they are opening our borders to illegals, and now they are declaring war against parents who simply voiced out.
It feels like we’re slowly shifting to dictatorship, our freedom depends entirely on Biden’s mandates, it’s no longer ours to cherish.
We all witnessed how corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland has become, he ordered the FBI to mobilize those parents who are complaining about their child’s education and the vaccine and mask mandates.
It got also exposed that the Critical Race Theory (CRT) is being pushed on students in grades K-12 and it was founded by her daughter’s husband. It was a family business! It is earning a huge pile of money and AG Merrick Garland is willing to save that business for their families’ sake.
Parents were supposed to stop coming to school board meetings—but they haven’t. In fact, in many cases, they’re doubling down and showing up in even larger numbers.
On Monday, a brave father in Clark County, Nevada showed up and slammed the board members when he served them with papers in the middle of his speech.
His speech, “This is segregation based off of your fears and your own personal interests, The people in this country have had enough, and we are fighting back.”
“I have something to give you,” he said. He called security and asked them to do him a “favor,” asking “Would you please hand those forms to the board members?” As the security person was handing out the papers serving each member, the father announced, ” You’ve been officially served a $200 million lawsuit with six complaints and violations or multiple amendments.”
“Your job is not to be concerned with the children’s health,” he told them. “You’re not nurses. You’re not doctors. You are not responsible for their health organization. Your only focus is on our children’s education, and the education system here is 50th in the state, and you make almost more money than anybody else.”
“It is very clear that you have failed in doing that job,” he said. “This country is not alone. It’s time that we wake up. Now, we’re gonna do a lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit. We can throw it out as much as you want. We’re gonna keep this paperwork on your desk and keep the problem going until we get exactly what we want.”
“This is not a negotiation, we will have our freedom of choice, and we’re gonna see you in court,” he added.
Watch the reactions of these corrupt board members, shocked and couldn’t believe they got what they deserve.
People are starting to fight back 🙌🇺🇸
Parents in Nevada just served the Clark County School District a $200 million lawsuit.
— AllegianceToLiberty (@AllegianceTL) October 12, 2021
It’s all coming back for them now… this is just the beginning.
Source: 100% Fed Up