Psaki’s Excuse Why The US Is Going To Hell Is Absolutely Sickening!

It seems that Biden’s Administration is making excuses to cover up their failure in handling COVID-19.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki re-iterate what Fauci said about the country’s going the wrong direction because of unvaccinated people.

What a lame excuse for their failure.

Here’s what Psaki said, “On COVID, Dr. Fauci says ‘we’re going in the wrong direction.’ 

“Whose fault is that?” Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Psaki.

Yahoo News reported: 

President Joseph Biden’s chief medical advisor Dr Anthony Fauci has sounded alarm that the United States (US) is in an “unnecessary predicament” of soaring COVID-19 cases fuelled by the unvaccinated population and the virulent Delta variant of the virus, reports Economic Times.

Dr Fauci rued, “This is an issue predominantly among the unvaccinated, which is the reason why we’re out there, practically pleading with the unvaccinated people to go out and get vaccinated.”

Asserting that he was “very frustrated”, Dr Fauci said, “We’re going in the wrong direction.” He added that he has taken part in conversations about altering the mask guidelines and said that recommending that the vaccinated population should also wear masks is “under active consideration” of the Government’s leading public health officials.

Then Psaki said this, “Well, I would say first what he was referring to is the fact that because there is still a large population of people in this country who were unvaccinated – and we have the most transmissible variant that we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic that more people are getting sick with Covid.”

Meanwhile, Psaki refuses to release the number of ‘breakthrough cases’ with vaccinated White House staffers because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

On Monday, Psaki reiterated that the American public doesn’t deserve to know whether the White House has additional Covid cases.

Sources: TheGateWayPundit, Yahoo News

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