Trump Was RIGHT! Feds Raid Florida Mosque And Uncover HORRIFYING Plans For Americans

Let me start by saying that yes, peaceful practicing Muslims do exist.

They also outnumber the violent radicals that reside within our borders. THAT is not what we are going to be arguing here.

We are arguing the mere fact that it simply does not matter if the majority of people who practice Islam are ‘peaceful’ practicing Muslims, because unless the peaceful band together, call out the radicals among them, and fight back….they are JUST as guilty of hiding the terrorism planned for this nation as the radicals are.

NOONE in this nation can afford for the peaceful Muslims to live in silence while those who share the same religion are murdering and raping around the world.

With that said, what was discovered inside a Florida Mosque will chill you to the bone.

CAIR-Florida Regional Operations Director Nezar Hamze has been holding intense firearms training in the Mosque.

For what purpose?



We will add that there nothing in the United States Constitution that prevents a church from holding such training, but with the information that the group is a supporter of terrorist groups like HAMAS, it is ALARMING that they are allowed influence in the United States in such ways.


It’s far past time that we refuse the fate they have planned for us to go barreling off the cliff to our horrible deaths, and start being UPFRONT with the facts.

Political correctness is a Marxist tool to force government agendas…and RIGHT NOW in this century, it’s the acceptance of radical Islam.


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  • Please take these people and get them deported some where else W e do not need these kind of of people here we have enough thugs killing now look at C hicago Illinois there are people being killed by thugs every day it is really bad . isn’t there anything are government do if not we are dead that means every one people in homes , government and business men they sound as if they are going to try to take over . And if do not become a Islame they well kill you . It was said in this paper that got this comment on so all of the people that causeing problems into the UNited States with wanting them to live here it is their death also if they do not became Islame person. They lose either way they go do they want their life to betaken what is their problem don’t they see what ferture may hold if they stay . I guess I would rather die than to have to be an object that has no rights or say any for myself .my likes and dislike means nothing in their way of life they even dehead women .
    What about your children your girls getting raped and their is not nothing you can do about it that is not right .

  • They all need to be closed. This is America. With the way they believe. No matter what we do. We are still the Infadel to them. Even if we thought of converting. Women don’t stand a chance. They say they are going to take over America. Well, there’s millions already here. Looks like they are inching there way in little by little. In Los Angeles within the next few days Muslim are going to meet in the city. They are making a call to all Muslims to meet for there prayer. If you seen the croud that is going there. It is scary and that’s just in Los Angeles alone. They have already done this prayer thing in New York. That croud was huge as well. My point is . You can’t pet a rattle snake and think it won’t bite. We know it going to bite. They have said DEATH to AMERICA . Enough is Enough! They do not like us. Close all of them. Please!

  • Burn mosques to the ground if they are truelybterroists they need to be burned to the ground and deported if they fight then i guess they will meet alla faster then they planned

  • How dumb are you people? Have you done your own research on this before you formulated your ignorant opinion? This news source in completely biased and is a prime example of the far rights alternative facts. I would normally go on and explain but it would only fall on deaf ears. Good luck. Stupidity has no cure.

  • “Islamophobia,” my foot. Quranic Teachings constitute brutality, mysogyny, repression and abuse.

    No. No way anyone is going to USE AN IDEOLOGY to terrorize the rest of the world.
    God will not allow it. . . . 1400 Years of Ideological Treachery and fear . . . Islam is a Trojan Horse, sabotaging America . . . All SUNNI Muslims are ALIKE … Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
    Too many rapes. . . . stomach-turning brutality.

  • ur right stupidity has no cure and just like the lefts knowledge of guns as we have seen for the past 8 years …….and the most stupidest shit i have heard has come from the left …. example diane fienstien if u put ur weapon down the attacker will just go away lmfao yea right

  • Until the country comes together and support our president then this will stay here in the united states

  • Tony j, apparently you haven’t been paying attention or choose to ignore anything that doesn’t match up with your opinion. Their “Holy Book” mandates, in several verses, that they are obligated to kill all infidels who will not convert. The Imams around the world preach this very ideology. Do you not see what is going on in Europe? These are not a few extremists…there are 10s of thousands of them who participate in these riots, and when the call is made they think nothing of disrupting a place like New York City or L.A. with 10s of thousands followers blocking streets and businesses. Get over your superiority delusion and open your eyes.

  • Tony j, apparently you haven’t been paying attention or choose to ignore anything that doesn’t match up with your opinion. Their “Holy Book” mandates, in several verses, that they are obligated to kill all infidels who will not convert. The Imams around the world preach this very ideology. Do you not see what is going on in Europe? These are not a few extremists…there are 10s of thousands of them who participate in these riots, and when the call is made they think nothing of disrupting a place like New York City or L.A. with 10s of thousands followers blocking streets and businesses. Get over your superiority delusion and open your eyes. They have also found weapons in European Mosques. No other religion promotes aggressive jihad types of behavior. Liberals keep whining that they are mostly moderates but when they gather in protest or show refusal to assimilate the numbers are staggering.

  • We are going to drive all of you Muslim pieces of shit back to the hell hole that you came from! You worship a pedophile demi-god named Allah who had an unsanitary filthy prophet named Mohammed who wrote the most evil book called the Koran. Allah and his prophet Mohammed are the filthiest most vile fictional characters in all of human history and you ignorant, degernerate Muslims are just stupid enough and uneducated enough to be followers of of this fake God and his pedophile prophet! This is why you are a backward, 3rd world society ( if you can call it a society ) which rapes and beats its women and marries little 9 year old girls! We are kicking all of your asses out of the United States and we will drive you out by force! To Hell with Allah! To Hell with Mohammed and to Hell with all of you!!!!! Burn the Qur’an!!!!!

  • Just because this site is fake news does not mean there are no terrorists in America who want to take over and kill infidels. Regardless of what Leftists say, there are hundreds if not thousands of radicals who mean us harm. You have to be blind and deaf not to see this.

  • Wow trumps such a piece of shit for not wanting them here huh and wtf is wrong with you liberal’s u half retarded LIBTARDS . morons . idiot’s have no idea wtf they are fighting for but when 9.11 happened they hated these PEOPLE now they want to fight to allow them in my COUNTRY you’re COUNTRY hell no man fuk that isht seriously tho … Fuck them all they need to go

  • Deport shit, kill them all before they start killing us . They wont start until they are ready and when they start ,yes we will prevail but Americans are sure to die before we rid this country of these scum

  • Deport them? they would only come back with more determination to kill us. The only solution is to eliminate them.

  • Are you saying that they are lying? Where is your proof? Try this. Go to Dearborn Mich. and walk the street with a cross around your neck and lets see how long you last. I bet your opinion changes real fast.

  • I cannot find any police reports about this “raid” I DO find lots of sketchy websites devoted to spreading misinformation carrying this story though…. You wouldn’t happen to have a link to where this raid happened, police reports, anything like that would you? You placed the headline “FEDS RAID FLORIDA MOSQUE AND UNCOVER HORRIFYING PLANS FOR AMERICANS” Yet, at the most, all you speak of is American Citizens practicing their first amendment rights… I’m afraid you sound as if you are attempting to cause discord for the sake of either advertisement or because you are a fan of RT (Russia Today) and their narrative that wants Americans to look with distrust at each other while they destroy American Values.

  • Just read the Koran. It does approach the subject of infidels and them being exterminated. Also, Mohammad was a fierce warrier who wanted all but the Islams dead. Interesting book.

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