SEE THE VIDEO: Surveillance Footage Captures Fatal Encounter Between Hero Husband And Wife’s Would-Be Rapist

This is the moment when justice was meted out with a tire iron.

The bloody exchange between a would-be Bronx rapist and his victim’s husband was captured on startling video released Wednesday.

Diallo was arraigned Wednesday.

Diallo was arraigned Wednesday.


The surveillance footage taken inside the Claremont Village apartment about 9:30 p.m. Monday show jittery ex-con Earl Nash, 43, pacing by the elevator shirtless, his pants low on his hips.

Moments earlier, Nash had barged into Nenegale Diallo’s sixth-floor apartment, beat her with a chair and tore her clothes off. Diallo called her husband for help and Nash fled.

Earl Nash was caught and beaten to death by Mamadou Diallo, 61.

Earl Nash was caught and beaten to death by Mamadou Diallo, 61.

The video shows the elevator doors open Diallo’s husband, 61-year-old Mamadou Diallo, rushing out.

Realizing that his wife’s rapist had just jumped into another elevator, Diallo takes out a tire iron and starts bashing Nash with it in a wild frenzy.

Nash apparently fights back – and briefly shoves Diallo out of the elevator.

The beatdown left Nash with a fractured skull, his blood splattered in the elevator and a hallway, sources said.

Survelliance footage shows Diallo striking Nash, who was attempting to rape his wife.

Survelliance footage shows Diallo striking Nash, who was attempting to rape his wife.

(NEWS 12)

Diallo was initially charged Tuesday with manslaughter. The charges were later reduced to assault, although prosecutors said they could be upgraded as the investigation continues.

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  • Do some research on Nash. How much time would Nash have been given, times cost to house a prisoner, plus cost to convict him, minus the cost of your trial and you saved the state $ xxx, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  • So is he dead? The story only says he had a fractured skull. I say he got what he freaking deserved.

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