SEIU to PUSH 5 Million Hispanic Immigrants to VOTE DEMOCRAT

The SEIU has long been known to be nothing but shills for the left, workers be damned.

Apparently they want Democrats to win the White House so badly that they are now spending millions of their member’s dues to make sure immigrants vote come November.

From the Washington Examiner:

The Service Employees International Union is teaming up with four Latino advocacy organizations and a key House Democrat to convert as many of the 5 million Latino permanent residents into U.S. citizens and voters as possible before Election Day.

Leading the charge is Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who said Thursday that he believes the “stand up to hate” push can get 1 million of those Latinos naturalized by May, which would see them become citizens in time to register for the presidential election.

The campaign’s mantra is “Naturalize. Register. Vote.”

It’s not like they care that these immigrants are naturalized for their own personal benefit. They want these immigrants to vote and vote Democrat.

Of course they would never tell these people the truth about Democrats. That thought never crossed their mind.

And it continues:

In addition to the naturalization seminars, the groups will be airing ads, beginning in the run up to Nevada’s caucuses late next month. They will also launch a digital campaign, beginning with a website for the New American Democracy Campaign, which strives to “remove the barriers that keep eligible immigrants from naturalizing, increase naturalization and mobilize voters by creating the first-ever voter registration program for naturalized citizens and for the U.S.-citizen children of immigrants.”

The site, which points visitors to events in their areas, states that the campaign launched because “xenophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric has inundated the presidential campaign trail” and therefore, “we must empower the immigrant community so that their voices may be heard at the polls.”

Since when was it the SEIU’s role to worry about immigrant workers being naturalized to vote?

Isn’t their role supposed to be to worry about their union members and be sure those members are being treated ‘fairly’ in the workplace?

The SEIU has become nothing but an extreme left wing political organization on the backs of their members.

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