Sidney Powell Just Said Something Perfect About Reinstatement!

“Attorney Sidney Powell appeared on Lindell TV with conservative “Frank” host Brannon Howse, where she discussed potential steps that need to be taken to remedy a potentially stolen election,” 100 Percent FedUp reported.

Powell told Brannon House, host of Lindell TV, “I think it’s certainly important for people to understand what happened here, and the more information we can get about that the better, it’s particularly important for our state legislators to understand it because they have the power to recall the electors for fraud.”

“Fraud officiates or disposes of everything—undoes everything that wrongfully happens as a result of that fraud,” Powell explained.

The former federal prosecutor appears to be implying that state lawmakers have the capacity to overturn Joe Biden’s election to the White House.

Powell explained what would happen if forensic audits like the one in Maricopa County, Arizona, prove major voter fraud stole the election from Donald J. Trump and wrongly awarded the win to Joe Biden at a “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” conference in Dallas last month. Powell informed the audience, “He can simply be reinstated.”

Dominion Voting Machines has sued Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Lindell for slander.

As seen by her tireless efforts to protect the integrity of our election system since November, Powell isn’t a fan of President Joe Biden.

Powell appeared on 1320 WJAS with radio host Rose Tennent in April to discuss her attempts to reveal voter fraud in the presidential election. Powell went on to forecast that Maricopa County’s audit would discover 100,000 fake ballots in Arizona during this interview.

Powell stated, “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party, a Vice President who didn’t even win a primary in her own state. And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”

The power to pick our leaders is one of the most important and fundamental rights we have, every American citizen should applaud the efforts of people like Sidney Powell. Manipulation of election results with forged ballots is a sled hammer to this fundamental freedom, putting our republic’s survival in jeopardy.


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