Stop Using Fake Sweeteners Right Now – They’re Destroying Your Gut

Besides digestion, your gut is the hub of both your metabolism and your immune system. And within your gut are microbes. A healthy inner ecosystem is one that is full of helpful microbes that keep the disease-causing bugs in check.

New research shows that artificial sweeteners boost sugar intolerance, which is a marker of diabetes.

Artificial sweeteners can destroy good bacteria in the gut, while Organic Stevia can support a healthy inner ecology. Even better, naturally sweet Stevia has zero calories, zero carbohydrates, and zero glycemic index.
For example, an overgrowth of bad microbes has been linked to:

Weight gain
Metabolic disease, which includes heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes1
It turns out that what you eat drives certain microbes to dominate over others. And while you might use artificial sweeteners to control weight and curb sugar cravings, the unimaginable has happened: By using artificial sweeteners, chances are good that you have also become more intolerant to sugar.

New research shows that artificial sweeteners boost sugar intolerance, which is a marker of diabetes.2 That’s not all these sweeteners boost. Along with poor blood sugar control, you might also see an increase in gut microbes that are linked to obesity and metabolic disease.

If you’re wondering, artificial sweeteners include:


In order to figure out what came first — the poor blood sugar control or the bad bugs — researchers inoculated mice with either “normal” microbes or the microbes from mice fed artificial sweeteners. They found that microbes from mice eating artificial sweeteners were directly causing poor blood sugar control. In humans, the results were similar. Healthy folks who do not usually take artificial sweeteners were given saccharin for one week. After only one week, most of the volunteers had a poor blood sugar response and saw a shift in their inner ecosystem.

Other research has found that dysbiosis — or a wounded inner ecosystem — is linked to low-grade inflammation, which predictably shows up in both insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

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