
Elizabeth Warren Gets A Brutal Reminder Of Who’s In Charge When She Demands For More Time

During the confirmation hearing of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Dems asked for the day to try and rile up Tom Price and DeVos is a series of grilling questions. When it was over, Elizabeth Warren demanded another day of questioning. That's when the the chair of the committee laid her on her bum. BOOM! Check this out.

Democrats In Congress To Challenge Election Results

It's tiring, isn't it? Going in circles, burning bridges, getting denied and humiliated over and over?. Just when we thought Inauguration day was close..we realize it needs to hurry the F- up. If Jill Stein wasn't enough of a headache, Libs in Congress are going to tire their last resource as they look to challenge the election results in their final attempt to sway the election. Pray for us.