The School Got Her In Trouble For The Outfits She Was Wearing, And They Are Very….

A young student teacher from Delaware has found herself in hot water after being reprimanded by her school’s principal for wearing a white dress to work. Alison Mutarelli, 21, believed that her dress was appropriate for work, but the school principal felt that the young student-teacher looked too sexy in the all-white ensemble. After being criticized, Mutarelli turned to TikTok to get the opinion of people online on whether or not her outfit was too scandalous for school.

The student teacher shared her story on the social media platform in a shocking revelation that her outfit was deemed too sexy by the school principal. The clip went viral because many people were surprised that the student teacher’s outfit was considered inappropriate for work.

“I got dress coded at school today. I was student teaching, and both my partner and I were wearing dresses, and the principal told us to dress for the jobs that we want,” Mutarelli said. “So now I’m extremely embarrassed and I don’t know what to wear to student teaching anymore.”

In a bid to find acceptable outfits for work, Mutarelli shared a series of outfits she has worn to work, including a floral dress and a green gingham dress. However, she was unsure if the dresses were appropriate because they were tight and shorter than knee-length. Mutarelli turned to TikTok because she needed help from people online to figure out what she could wear without being reprimanded by the school principal.

Many TikTok users were concerned about Mutarelli’s experience and felt that it highlighted why teachers were leaving their jobs across America every day.

“This is why we are losing good people! Nothing wrong with any of the outfits,” one user commented. Another user, who is an experienced teacher, suggested that the length of Mutarelli’s dress was acceptable, but the neckline and back cut might be the issue. She also suggested wearing t-shirt dresses.

Mutarelli’s predicament sparked a debate about dress codes in schools and work environments. Some people felt that the school principal’s opinion was too conservative and patriarchal, while others believed that dress codes were necessary to maintain a professional and respectful environment.

The incident highlighted how subjective dress codes can be and how difficult it is to find a balance between personal style and professionalism. Mutarelli’s story has led to many people questioning the double standards of dress codes and the need to review these policies to ensure that they are fair and justifiable.

Source: AWM

By kristel

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