They Have Found The BEST Way To Shut Down Critical Race Theory!

A newly released database to track Critical Race Theorists across America has been compiled from the Great American Patriot Project PAC.

In fact, it is the only online database that tracks Critical Race Theory bigots in real-time.

Concerned citizens are encouraged to help keep elected officials, educators, community leaders accountable for the spread of racist Critical Race Theory beliefs by reporting CRT advocates to expand our database in order to provide the most up-to-date information for the American people. However; submissions are vetted and verified through publicly available information.

Millions of parents are furious that the racist teachings are flooding into the classrooms and teaching their children to hate certain groups of people based on their racial background. This has been a flashpoint issue since it has been released.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley is proudly testifying that the Critical Race Theory (CRT) is part of the training for the military and whining about so-called “white rage.” Truly CRT infected the United States Armed Forces.

Even Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former fighter pilot, was a commander of a unit that detected ballistic missile launches and was relieved of his duties on Friday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting for comments made during a podcast promoting his new book, which claims Marxist ideologies are becoming prevalent in the United States military. confirmed by

The original sources online petition by The Zinn Education Project published not only the names and cities the signers were from but also comments from the educators and activists obsessed with bringing anti-white hatred into the classroom.

Ruth Richardson, who claims to be an educator based out of Pasadena, California expressed that, “As a white teacher of black and brown high poverty students it is vital that I acknowledge the degree to which all white people are marinated in racism from the moment of their birth, and the degree to which racism is interwoven into every aspect of our country’s history. You can’t lie to students about history just to ensure that one group of privileged students feels good about themselves,”

These comments are absolutely insane!

“I don’t want there to be any secret about the fact that I’m committed to racial justice (and all forms of anti-bigotry) in my teaching,” added Seth Kahn, who also claims to be a teacher from West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Democrats have regularly utilized databases to track people who they claim to be fascists or white supremacists (and we know they think any Trump or America First supporter falls into those categories), the conservative establishment has simply used abhorrent things like CRT for political posturing and little else.

While being considered to be the first instance of a group actually committed to America First and President Trump’s legacy taking meaningful action to protect children from being browbeaten in the classroom with Marxist ideologies like CRT, big thanks to the efforts of the Expose Critical Race Theory Project.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, ECRTP,