TWO DAYS After Governor Declares CT Sanctuary State – Illegal Alien Murders Mother and Kidnaps 6 Yr-Old Girl

Here’s a classic case of ‘I told you so.’

“Illegal Immigrants are harmless human beings”, they say…”They are GOOD for the nation; they don’t kill innocent people”…THEY SAY.

As you know Governor Daniel Malloy has been hard at work, reminding school and law enforcement leaders that they don’t have to enforce federal immigration laws, and declaring Connecticut a sanctuary state.

The governor’s administration sent memos to school superintendents and chiefs of police with recommendations on how they should respond to requests from the Department of Homeland Security.

Looks as though that is coming to bite him in the ass after only 2 days of declaring Connecticut a sanctuary City, an illegal brutally murders an American woman, kidnaps her child, and critically injures another woman as well.

Oscar Obedio Hernandez, an illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested on Friday night.

FOX 61 repotred:

“Oscar Obedio Hernandez, a citizen of El Salvador, was issued a Final Order of Removal by an immigration judge on Oct. 29, 2013,” said spokesman Shawn Neudauer. “He was removed from the United States by ICE officers in Hartford, CT on Nov. 27, 2013. He has prior felony convictions from 2002 for assault and threatening, as well as several misdemeanor convictions. ICE has placed an immigration detainer with the Bridgeport (Connecticut) Police Department.”

Gov. Dan Malloy’s spokeswoman, Kelly Donnelly, issued a statement regarding the incident, basically lying through her teeth:

“Our local laws are designed to protect our residents and also ensure that those in harm’s way feel safe seeking help from law enforcement. That’s why convicted violent felons are detained for deportation under our state laws that the governor has consistently and strongly supported.” said Donnelly.

According to reports:

An Amber Alert was issued early Friday morning for Aylin Sofia Hernandez, 6, from Bridgeport. Police say her mother, Nidia Gonzalez, 26, was stabbed to death in a domestic dispute with her father. The mother’s female friend is in critical condition after the stabbing, police said.

Oscar Hernandez was arrested with the six year-old girl in Pennsylvania.

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  • They will just come back again to murder, rape, steal, and other criminal acts… These are not even human….Needs to be locked up… Deportation is not the answer with these illegal criminals….

  • You want to stop this? It’s simple!! If your a victim of a crime committed by any legal Alien you have a right to sue the government all the members of the city and state that allow for sanctuary cities! Because the crime will not have happened if the laws where enforced! The law is clear if you give aid or assistance to anyone committing a crime. You are just as culpable as they are. And are liable for damages

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