Another liftest school in Australia is making parents furious for forcing male students to do sick things.
Recently, Brauer College was caught red-handed making every single male student apologize to all the girls for rape, sexual assault. This is insane!
This action is not only persuading every man on this campus but also the girls that were exposed in front of the entire assembly.
Vini, a student who was sharing her experience at the assembly said, “I had girls behind me crying because they’d been exposed to the entire school and we had to apologize for stuff we didn’t do.”
Brauer College Principal Jane Boyle was proud saying that the assembly included a screening of a video message by Brisbane Boys’ College Captain Mason Black about being proactive in stopping incidents of sexual assault and harassment but making this to all males is inappropriate and judgemental.
the symbolic gesture of apology was advised to all male students as the principal says that it is a part of the discussion because males have hurt or offended other girls and women. So, that makes us feel that males are the bad ones. Sick.
Danielle Shephard, a mother of a 7-year-old boy says that her son was confused why he had to apologize that women are raped and sexually assaulted by others. This is crazy.
‘They really should have made more of an effort to notify the parents.’ Danielle added.
So when women were arrested for sexual assault, other girls do not have to say sorry to us, males?
The war on masculinity continues…
Source: Trending Right Wing