Of course, this authoritarian regime really thinks they own the entire White House, and anything they wish to impose or change shall be granted.
This time, they think people would love the old Biden photos hanging around the White House, instead of the iconic paintings.
According to reports, the Four Norman Rockwell watercolor paintings have been removed from the White House and replaced with photographs of President Joe Biden.
Yes, you read it right, there are several new “JUMBO” images of Joe Biden that nobody wants to see. The most unpopular senile buffoon to grace the halls of the White House.
The ICONIC paintings that were replaced were part of a series painted by Rockwell showing various Americans waiting to see the president of the United States, and are “panels of watercolor and black-and-white sketches.”
More details of this report from Politico:
The Thomas Crown affair this is not. But priceless pieces of art have been removed from the White House and it’s not yet abundantly clear why.
Four NORMAN ROCKWELL panels of watercolor and black-and-white sketches featuring the White House — which have been displayed in the building since 1978 — have been taken off the walls.
Much of the “So You Want to See the President” series shows various Americans, such as top military officers and senators, waiting in the White House for time with the president. The titles of the sketches are “Gentleman of the Press,” “Beauty and Publicity Man,” “The Press Get a News Flash” and “A Hero is Interviewed.” Objects like the “President’s gas mask,” “the President’s lunch,” and “the Visitors’ Hatrack” are also depicted in the sketches.
BETTY MONKMAN, who worked on the White House curatorial staff from 1967 until 2002 when she retired as its chief curator, told West Wing Playbook the sketches were lent by the descendants of STEVE EARLY, who was FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT’s press secretary. She said Rockwell gave the prints to Early. A person familiar with the matter said that several jumbo photos of Biden have since replaced the Rockwell prints, which also were featured in the “Saturday Evening Post” in 1943.
Sad to say, America’s most beloved artists have been replaced with photos of one of America’s most unpopular presidents.
Sources: WayneDupree, Politico