What Hunter Biden Said About His Crooked Art Sale Is Absolutely Sickening!

Hunter Biden was heavily criticized over a junk of artwork he made for being pricey and overrated.

In a podcast interview, Hunter didn’t mince the word and his awful message to the peasants questioning his shady art selling scheme: ‘F*** you’

Hunter admitted that his works are worthless and garbage, also he claimed he didn’t set the prices of his garbage artwork ($75,000 – $500,000).

“I would be amazed you know if my art had sold at, um you know, for $10.”

Here’s an excerpt from Business Insider Reports:

“I think I’m the most famous artist in the MAGA world,” Hunter added.

“You seem to have good spirits about this sort of kind of crazed narrative around your painting,” Nate Freeman, the co-host of the podcast Nota Bene told Hunter. “What’s your response to people who are, you know, coming after the prices of the work or just, you know, the collectors, I mean, what’s been your response to that?”

“Other than ‘f— ’em’?” Biden quipped as Freeman and co-host Benjamin Godsill broke into laughter.

“That’s a pretty good response,” Freeman said, while Godsill added: “I think that’s all you need.”

Listen to the audio below:

Audio: Youtube/GOP War Room

Hunter Biden will be meeting with potential buyers for his artwork at a private affair in Los Angeles after Psaki promised the identities of the potential buyers would be kept a secret from the Bidens.

Hunter’s garbage artwork (photo below) will “range from $75,000 for works on paper to $500,000 for large-scale paintings.”

“He’s looking forward to it. It is like someone debuting in the world. And of course, he will be there,” Georges Berges Gallery spokeswoman Robin Davis told CBS News. ​​

But don’t worry because Davis said that at Hunter’s art shows “everyone will be vetted…so, whomever is appropriate will be attending.”

Even Barack Obama’s ethics chief Walter Shaub said the art dealing industry is “notorious for money laundering.”

“This is just preposterous,” Shaub said of Hunter Biden’s art selling for up to $500,000.

Hunter Biden’s message to anyone questioning this obvious influence peddling and money laundering scheme: ‘F*ck you’

Sources: TheGateWayPundit, Business Insider