Why The CDC Changed The Definition Of The Word Vaccine Is Sickening!

We all depend on the data CDC provided to the public, Joe’s tyrant mandates were partly based on CDC’s recommendations. Clearly, CDC played a very BIG ROLE in the pandemic.

Somehow, literally, they have been playing us the public, just like what happened way back in September, the CDC was caught changing the definition of what a ‘vaccine’ is.

But why the need to change that name? Well, we just found out the reason why.

Larry Johnson of TGP reported back in September on the CDC’s actions to change the definition of a vaccine. He said if you think that our establishment medical community is honest, think again. They are not. The litany of lies and deception grows with each passing day.

The latest victim of the new Orwellian world of redefining truth comes courtesy of the CDC.

They have changed the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccination” because so many vaccinated people are still being infected with a variant of COVID. This is good news for Alex Berenson, who is suing Twitter for defamation.

Here is the tweet about the COVID vaccine that got Alex banned:

It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine.

So look at what the CDC did? Here’s the definition the CDC used on 26 August 2021:

Vaccine– “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
Vaccination– “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Got it? A vaccine is supposed to produce immunity to a specific disease.

The problem is that COVID 19 is not a disease. It causes a variety of diseases. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky recently admitted that the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines is “waning.”

Rather than admit the Covid vaccine is not working as advertised, CDC took a page out of Orwell’s 1984 and opted for new spin language.

Here is the new definition:

Vaccine– “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

Note the subtle but important change. Instead of “PRODUCING IMMUNITY” the new definition moves the goal posts and states that their pseudo vaccine “STIMULATES THE BODY’S IMMUNE RESPONSE.”

Now we have confirmation why the CDC changed its definition of what is a ‘vaccine’. Per a FOIA request-response by Techno-Fog:

The American medical community was caught in another lie and coverup. No surprise here.

Source: TheGatewayPundit,

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