You ever know someone who just didn’t. know. when. to. fucking. stop?
A person who doesn’t understand the boundaries between reality and social media, who has a bloated and wildly distorted sense of self ultimately leading them to overshare on Facebook to an almost criminal degree?
And by criminal degree, I mean literally illegal in more than several states. Like this chick, who cheated on her husband with her first cousin and was unabashed by it to— frankly— an alarming extent.
It all started when our protagonist posted a scampy selfie captioned “Hacked by your sexy wife love you *kissy face* *kissy face* *wink*” only to have one hater comment “whore” underneath.
Pretty rude, right? But also turns out she sorta has a point, although she didn’t have to be such a bully about it.
NOT THAT IT MATTERS IN THE SLIGHTEST, because this POS cares not one bit about the fact that she may be the trashiest human to have ever lived.
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