Will The Russian Invasion DESTROY The American Dollar?

Aside from being an international embarrassment after how he handled the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden has been doing something crazy, he always finds ways to destroy the US dollar.

Well, some Americans are now feeling the devastating effects, yet most Americans still have no idea what is going on.

And now, it looks like Russia’s actions in Ukraine may destroy the dollar as well.

All our previous presidents have been working hard to maintain the US dollar as the world’s currency, but all of a sudden Joe Biden is destroying it after major wrong decisions he’s been making since he took office.

The US dollar creates demand which allows the US to it as a tool in manipulating nations into acting the way the US wants. The county in the world that owns the currency, is the country in power.

With the help of Joe Biden, globalists have now easy access to destroy the dollar rather than allow it to continue as the world’s currency.

Joe Biden has been doing all he can to destroy the dollar through insane actions at home and abroad.  Biden is spending like a mad man while encouraging countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China to go to a different currency.

The GatewayPundit gives us more details of this story:

We first reported on this last year when we saw the Saudis begin to talk to Russia about trading oil with them outside of the dollar.  For decades the Saudis have traded oil in dollars.  In turn, the US protected the Saudis and provided them with military weapons.

But Biden opened up talks with Iran again and the implications are that the Saudis and other nations will move away from relations with the US as a result.

This movement away from the dollar could be devastating to the US economy.   Now due to Biden’s actions, Russia is mandating that countries it sells its gas to must trade-in Russian rubles.

And now, the Rebel Capitalist notes that the bigger prize than Ukraine for the Russians may be collapsing of the US dollar.  Putin’s actions and Biden’s responses to date may end up in this result.

Watch it here: RebelCapitalist/Youtube

Source: TheGatewayPundit

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