Woman Exposes Product Label Dark Secret

We all need to read product labels and terms of service a lot more than we probably should.

You might recall some years ago there was a man who was installing some software on his computer when he actually decided to read the entire terms and conditions of the software.

At one point in the exceedingly long document, he noticed that there was a phone number to call along with a code phrase where if you said it the company would send you a thousand dollars.

He noticed the unusualness of this and decided to give the company a call. When they told him that they were indeed going to be sending him a check, he asked how many times have they had to send the check.

The person on the other end of the line told him that in the ten years or so since they had begun putting that little note in the terms and conditions that he was in fact the first person to do it.

Which just goes to show you that we probably don’t read the fine print or labels as much as we should.

Chelsie Gilbert is someone else who thinks that we should probably be reading the fine print on things that we buy and use a little bit closer.

For example, she went to a Target recently to get some cleaning supplies, particularly Clorox wipes.

You might remember during COVID times how we were told up and down that these were the things that we needed to get to keep our family safe.

Not saying they don’t do that, it’s just that the company’s priorities might be a little skewed. You see, Chelsie during this particular shopping trip saw that on the front of the Clorox wiped it said that they were suitable for cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

She then looked on the back and said that they are not safe for food-contact surfaces.

Now, I might be a simple country boy, but it sounds to me if they say one thing really big and one thing really small that they are trying to sell you on a lie.

I mean, everything in your kitchen is a food-contact surface isn’t it?

By dan

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