To see a bouquet of beautiful flowers be delivered to the office on a birthday or special occasion isn’t out of the ordinary.
But when one woman received a gorgeous arrangement of roses from her husband on her birthday, the real meaning behind it was so much more than just flowers. And that meaning deeply moved her coworker Kayla Miller.
Miller was so touched that she shared a photo of the flowers and the story that goes with them, via the Facebook page Love What Matters:
Her post reads:
“I got to witness a real-life P.S. I Love You story. These flowers were delivered to work today for a lady I work with. They are from her husband who passed away two years ago.
Every holiday/ birthday since his passing she has been receiving flowers, presents, and jewelry from him. Before he passed he lined all of this up for her so she wouldn’t feel alone on those days that would be the hardest to spend apart.
I am sharing this story not only because it’s amazing and it warms my heart, but to show girls that true love is real. You don’t have to settle for someone because you think no one else will love you.
You don’t have to put up with being cheated on or lied to or being talked down to. You are a prize to be won, and there is someone out there that will love you forever and even through the afterlife. I hope this brightens your day and P.S. I Love You.”
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