WWII Vet’s Reunion With His LOST LOVER OF 70 YEARS Will Make You Like Love Again

Last November, World War II veteran Norwood Thomas, reunited via Skype with his first love, Joyce Morris.  The pair hadn’t seen each other in 71 years. Somewhere, Nicholas Sparks is already writing his new novel inspired by this love affair.

Thomas and Morris met in London back in 1944. Their love affair was dramatically cut short when Thomas was sent to France for the Battle of Normandy.

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After the war, Thomas returned to the U.S. and the two wrote each for a bit. He even asked Morris to come to the U.S. to be his wife, but she declined. They eventually lost touch, both married, and went about their lives.


But then…. decades later, Morris, who currently lives in Australia, asked her son if it was possible to find people on the Internet. Since, you know, it is possible, they found Thomas across the world in Virginia Beach. The pair eventually reconnected with a 2 hour Skype session.

Nicholas Sparks, are you getting all of this down?

After their story went viral, more than 300 romantics (people) made donations to help the pair of long lost lovers reunite. Thomas is now set to visit Morris in Australia.  Air New Zealand has also made arrangements to send Thomas and his son, Steve, to Australia for free.

AND NOW THEY’RE EXPECTED TO SPEND VALENTINE’S DAY TOGETHER. Finally, after 70 years the lovers will reunite proving that… well, just that love can be kind of cool sometimes. Just sometimes.

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