YES! Patriots Have Found The Solution To Voter ID Laws!

Voter ID laws are finally getting a solution!

New legislation in North Carolina is currently on push to fund a mobile voter ID machine for those legal voters who do not possess the proper documents to vote.

North Carolina Republicans created Senate Bill 724 that will take away any racist excuse Democrats can argue about the lack of voter IDs for certain populations in the state.

The said senate bill will secure the state election from fraudulent voters.

And the Democrats are uncertain how they will vote on it.

According to The Carolina Journal report:

Senate Bill 725 would prohibit private funding of elections administration, as sponsors argue private interests paying for vote collection and counting raises natural suspicions about election integrity. This speaks directly to revelations that organizations funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg put money into elections administration in target districts across the country — to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Millions of those dollars were directed to select districts in North Carolina as a competitive swing state in national elections.

“People from all sides should be able to agree that private funding of elections administration raises natural suspicions about the integrity of the process and should be banned,” said Sen. Warren Daniel, R-Burke, co-chair of the Senate Committee on Redistricting and Elections.

Finally, Senate Republicans continue to push for the active proliferation of voter ID through funding of a mobile outreach program that targets and serves those few North Carolinians with none of the extensive lists of acceptable forms of identification. Nearing a decade old and replete with legislation, court rulings, and constitutional amendments, the political divide over voter ID has been reanimated within the current election integrity focus.

About the stand-alone bill, Senate Bill 724, Sen. Ralph Hise, R-Madison, said, “We’ll find out soon if Democrats care about helping voters obtain free ID cards or if they just made up that concern to kill voter ID, which North Carolina voters added to their own Constitution in 2018.”

All three bills were debated and passed out of the Senate Elections Committee along partisan lines Wednesday, June 9.

And so, with the fall out from extraordinary elections of 2020, a formerly one-dimensional issue centered on voter ID has now been wrapped into a much larger and pressing issue of election integrity. An issue that, other than their paycheck, is top of mind for voters. In response, state lawmakers are investigating concerns over vulnerable electronic voting equipment and opaque vote counting processes; seeking to end unprecedented deadline extensions for the voting method most vulnerable to fraud; and, still waging a battle to require simple photo identification at the polls.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, The Carolina Journal

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