In order to bypass Congress, the Obama administration will ask the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution banning nuclear tests, essentially turning over American nuclear policy to the international body, according to a Washington Post report.

To make things worse, the handing of American sovereignty to a globalist body is mostly to achieve a public relations coup.

Obama has said that he wishes to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty with a push for action from the U.N. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was signed by the Clinton administration in 1996 but never ratified by the Senate.

According to the Post, National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said the administration would like the Senate to ratify the treaty before the 20th anniversary in September, but is “looking at possible action in the UN Security Council that would call on states not to test and support the CTBT’s objectives. We will continue to explore ways to achieve this goal, being careful to protect the Senate’s constitutional role.”

No word on how Price managed to stifle his laughter as he talked about “being careful to protect the Senate’s constitutional role.” The head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, however, was not amused.


“This is a plan to cede the Senate’s constitutional role to the U.N. It’s dangerous and it’s offensive. Not only is this an affront to Congress, it’s an affront to the American people,” Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said. “It directly contradicts the processes that are in place to make sure that Congress appropriately weighs in on international agreements.”

He said that Obama’s public relations coup will have real-world consequences for America’s ability to defend itself.

“What it really does is allow countries like Russia and China to be able to bind the United States over our nuclear deterrent capability without the scrutiny of Congress,” Corker said. “Should we ever decide we may wish to test, we could be sued in international courts over violating a United Nations Security Council resolution that Congress played no role in. READ MORE

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